Piper Hutson

A photo of Piper Hutson

Piper A. Hutson, EdD, is distinguished in neurodiversity, art history, and education, blending these disciplines to promote inclusivity in art and urban spaces. Holding a Doctorate of Education, focusing on adult learning and art history, both in academic and professional fields as a Corporate Art Curator and as an Adjunct Professor at Lindenwood University. Her […]

Liam R. Findlay

A photo of Liam R. Findlay

Liam enjoys a career in the design and storytelling of immersive themed attractions, employing energy and creativity to provide memorable guest experiences. He specialises in ideas development and preliminary design, with particular experience in puzzle escape rooms and edutainment. For AromaPrime, themed scenting company for attractions, he uses his design experience to guide venues in […]

Ann Crowe

Anne Crowe smiling

Ann Crowe was diagnosed with Parkinson’s more than a year ago, even though symptoms actually began showing up much earlier. She was dealing with chronic depression, backaches caused by being inactive and had lost her sense of smell.  Additionally, Ann experienced a right-hand tremor and a loss of motor control. The tremors made falling asleep […]

Daniel Hodges

Daniel Hodges wearing a black suit and hat with a blue tie and goatee.

I have spent my entire life learning to thrive in a body that some consider to be deeply flawed. As someone who was born blind, and with a connective tissue disorder, I am well-acquainted with the low expectations encountered by those with disabilities. These experiences have ignited a fire in me to help create a […]

Adam David Jones

Adam David Jones smiling, wearing a black shirt.

I am a violence survivor and a small business owner. Since being attacked in Harrisburg, I have dedicated my life to preventing violence and helping others navigate the judicial system so they get their fair shake at justice. The man who attacked me was acquitted by a jury though caught covered in my blood with […]

Kristin Parker

An image of Kristin Parker smiling.

Kristen Parker loves braille, and helping the visually impaired is her passion! She has over 10 years of experience as a braille transcriber and graphics artist.

Chloe Hammond

A photo of Chloe Hammond with her dog Ocho.

When Chloe Hammond was diagnosed with a rare autoinflammatory condition over 15 years ago, it didn’t impact her life too much at first. But over time her multiple chronic health conditions have impacted her mobility and she is now believed to be the only nurse in the UK who works in her wheelchair with the […]

Annie Streit

Annie Streit has been a wheelchair user since a diving accident in May of 2005.  She has spoken to many groups about her accident, adapting to life in a wheelchair, and overcoming obstacles. She has a true passion for working with children and being an advocate for those with disabilities. She plans on being able […]

Julia Duff

An image of Julia Duff smiling, wearing a black jacket and white shirt, holding a certificate from The Spina Bifida Association of New York State.

Julia Duff is the Executive Director of the Spina Bifida Association of New York State.

Lisa Louis

Lisa Louis and her son Sean smiling, standing on a hill by the sea.

Lisa Louis created HikingAutism.com, a guide for the millions of families like hers with an autistic family member to experience the joy of nature. HikingAutism features more than 170 hikes accompanied by 1,900 stunning nature photos. The outings range from five mile hikes on Mt. Tam in Marin County to rambles through the streets of […]

George D. Williams

George D. Wiilliams is an Autism advocate and author who is passionate about issues related to adults on the spectrum. Working to educate employers about the many benefits of hiring adults on the spectrum. Writing will continue to focus on the comprehensive needs of the Autism population including housing, health care, financial planning, and employment.

Nicole Smith

Meet Nicole, a passionate human dignity warrior with a background in Law and Public Policy and a successful career in Communications. For over a decade, she has been championing human rights domestically and internationally, leading impactful campaigns that secured the release of persecuted Christians worldwide. In 2020, Nicole faced a life-altering experience when her daughter […]

Simon Manda

Simon Manda is the co-founder and editor of THISABILITY Newspaper, a platform to showcase people with disabilities who are living their lives as normally as they can. Hear Manda’s take on how you can “move together” with people with disabilities, as opposed to helping them.

Sheldon Lewis

Sheldon Lewis smiling at his laptop, wearing a blue dress shirt.

I am an experienced Sales Director and Partnership Maker. With 40+ years as a business executive, I have had several exits, managed cross-functional teams, consulted on SaaS tools, and expanded businesses globally all whilst being diagnosed with the rare disease Choroideremia as a child which has rendered me Blind. Today, I am proud to merge […]

Michael Hingson

Michael Hingson wearing an off-white dress shirt with a gold and blue patterned necktie. Michael is shown feeling the face of his yellow Labrador retriever, Roselle.

On September 11, 2001, a blind man escaped the World Trade Center by walking down 78 flights of stairs with his guide dog. Days later, America fell in love with Mike and Roselle and the special bond that helped them both survive one of the country’s darkest days. Immediately after the 9-11 tragedy, Michael was […]

John Morris

John Morris sitting in his power wheelchair.

My name is John Morris. In the Fall of 2012, a car accident changed the course of my life. Severe burns laid claim to three of my limbs, making me a triple amputee. Shock, fear, anger, sadness, hopelessness. Yes, I grappled with all of those emotions. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. […]

Penny Melville-Brown

Penny Melville-Brown presenting a dish she baked in a black pin-striped apron and magenta sweater.

I’m a survivor. Life has been about overcoming disasters and discovering new opportunities. In my mid-20s, my fiancé of six years was killed in a car crash. I had to pick myself up and find a new direction. The Royal Navy was the answer for a superb career of over 20 years: one of eight […]

Shai Anbar

Shai Anbar sitting on his front porch.

As a businessman-turned-aphasia advocate, Shai’s sole intention is to raise awareness about aphasia so that it becomes more than just a term in a medical textbook. He’s using a platform to shine the light on disability—specifically on aphasia—where resilience and inspiration are not always household names. Shai was born in Jerusalem, 1960. He lived and […]

Eric Knapp

Eric Knapp smiling wearing a black golf shirt, glasses and gray/white hair.

When Eric Knapp suffered his stroke, it was unexpected. He was healthy, he worked out religiously and kept a clean and active lifestyle. “We would never have thought of that for one minute, no doubt he didn’t think either that that would ever happen to him” Ken Owsley, Eric’s Dad says. Eric was working out […]

Katherine Yoder

Katherine Yoder smiling, wearing black glasses.

Katherine Yoder is a person with disabilities herself, and she has worked with people with disabilities in various capacities throughout her career, from direct care to investigating crimes against people with disabilities across the state of Ohio. This work revealed the glaring gaps in the different systems when a crime is committed against a person […]

Randi-Lee Bowslaugh

Randi_Lee Bowslaugh smiling wearing a black sweater, glasses and purple hair.

Randi-Lee was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, and from a young age, she had a passion for helping others. She attended Niagara College and graduated at the top of her class from Community and Justice Services after completing her placement at a recovery house for alcohol and drug addictions. Post-graduation, she worked at a […]

Jennifer Soames

Jennifer Soames smiling.

Jennifer Soames is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor and advocate, author, certified yoga instructor, nutritional consultant, and former licensed holistic health practitioner. She is passionate about helping those affected by TBI get the information, care and support they need to live their best life, even with a new normal. She understands firsthand the pain, […]

Regan Linton

Regan Linton smiling in a green shirt.

I grew up in Denver, Colorado, as a soccer athlete slash theatre performer who loved the Tao of Pooh and wanted to effect good in the world. While an undergrad at University of Southern California (USC), I was paralyzed in a car crash, and my worldview paradigm was fundamentally altered. Supported by amazing entities like […]

Shelley Nearing

Shelley Nearing wearing black glasses.

Words have power and language, and phrases make one think. I want to do my part to help educate people who want to learn about disability and other dehumanizing language to change their vocabulary. This blog is not for being politically correct or what the right wing says is “woke”. I am working on this […]

Eileen Grubba

Eileen Grubba smiling

Eileen Grubba is an award-winning actress, producer, writer, member of the Television Academy, lifetime member of The Actors Studio, and Brand Ambassador for Global Disability Inclusion. TV appearances include CSI: Vegas, HBO’s Watchmen, SWAT, ALL Rise, Criminal Minds, NBC’s New Amsterdam, Game Of Silence, Netflix The Politician, ABC Stumptown, FX Sons of Anarchy, Bones on […]

Jennifer Burgmann

A photo of Jennifer Burgmann

At the end of 2009, I was newly sober and had sought help at Mental Health and Addictions Services. While there, I saw an addictions counselor, a psychologist, and a medical doctor. During routine check up and bloodwork, the doc was concerned about my immune system because of addiction and poor diet and lifestyle. Because […]

Dani Izzie

Dani Izzie smiling in her wheelchair with her twin girls.

In Dani’s words: “Hi, I’m Daniela, affectionately called Dani. ???? I live in rural Virginia with my husband, Rudy, and our twins. As a disabled woman, I hope this website will be a place where I can share not only my personal journey as it relates to being a wheelchair user and mother, but other […]

Cort Schneider

Cort Schneider walking with his forearm crutches.

Cort is a dedicated, enthusiastic and passionate educator who has an extensive teaching and experience in Disability Services at the college level. In addition, has leadership experience and history of serving students in multiple capacities at the university level. Deep understanding of higher education policy, cultural diversity, and the role of community college in higher […]

Michelle Lee Steiner

Michelle Lee Steiner smiling wearing a red sweater.

Michelle Steiner is a disability, writer, advocate, and paraeducator. She published articles on The Mighty, Non-Verbal Learning Project, Dyscalculia Blog, The Reluctant Spoonie, Imagine the World as One Magazine, and Word Gathering. Recently she began a blog called Michelle’s Mission. Her photographs were featured in Word Gathering and Independent and Work Ready. She works as […]

Debbie Waltz

Debbie Waltz smiling, wearing a white sweater in front of a Christmas tree

My name is Debbie. I am a 40-year-old with big dreams and hopes for the future. Fresh out of college, I hope to use my knowledge and communication skills to inspire others to pursue their dreams no matter what. I am blessed to be living in a country where opportunities are endless; but sometimes as […]

John Bramblitt

John Bramblitt smiling in front of some of his paintings.

John Bramblitt is an artist living in Denton Texas, his art has been sold in over one hundred and twenty countries and he has appeared internationally in print, TV and radio. He has appeared on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, ABC, NBC, FOX, Discovery Channel and BBC Radio and TV to name a few […]

Lois Letchford

Lois Letchford smiling in front of a lighted background.

For the past twenty years, Lois Letchford has been a literacy problem solver. Specializing in teaching children who struggle with learning to read, her creative teaching methods vary depending on the reading ability of the student, employing age-appropriate, rather than reading-age-appropriate, material. Lois’s non-traditional background, multi-continental exposure, and passion for helping failing students equip her […]

Matthew Dickson

Matthew DIckson wearing glasses and smiling.

My name is Matthew Dickson. I’m a Canadian who is trying to help people in developing countries with no mental health care. I’ve suffered from mental health problems myself (schizophrenia). My heart goes out to people in impoverished or war-torn countries who have to experience not only the torment of mental illness, but the traumas […]

Gary Shaughnessy

Gary Shaugnessy smiling and giving a thumbs up.

Gary Shaughnessy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2015 while working for Zurich Insurance. He was appointed CEO of Zurich’s European business, before stepping down in 2019. The honour has been awarded for his contributions to business and charity, recognising both his career and the roles he has taken on since. Gary joined our board in […]

Fish Lee

Fish Lee smiling, with a grey and white beard in front of a tree

Fish is a Christ follower, husband, father, friend, artist, drummer. He is an artist living with Tourette’s syndrome, best known for his “Tourette’s Life” cartoons and T-Man & HyperStrike.

Jason P. Harris

Jason P. Harris smiling while holding his dog.

Jason is an Autistic person who is an accomplished and experienced speaker, researcher, and educator with a passion for improving the lives of people with disabilities. Interested in social, cultural, and media depictions and perceptions of disability in today’s world. Focused on developing relationships both in the disability and non-disability communities to broaden the discourse […]