Journeys: Season 4, Episode 7 – Kaare Dehard

Guest(s) in this episode:

We talked with accessibility and usability tester Kaare Dehard in this episode of #Journeys ! Our discussion includes Kaare’s empowered lived experience, software accessibility, inaccessibility and much more!


00:00   Intro

02:30   Kaare’s Journey

11:53     An Accessible Website vs. A User Friendly Website or Both

17:20    Awareness, Empathy & Legal Process

19:25    Make It Fable

26:41    Being Supportive Rather Than Punitive

30:32    A.R.I.A. (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) Supportive Tools

32:50    D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Realities

38:54    Building Confidence In Accessibility

40:10    Software & Hardware

44:28    Speech Recognition Software (TOX, Mobile Speak & Dragon)

47:19     Kaare’s & Contact Info

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