Journeys: Season 4, Episode 5 – Piper Hutson

Guest(s) in this episode:

In this episode of #Journeys, we chat with Piper Hutson – neuroinclusion advocate, corporate art curator, art history professor and education specialist!


00:00 Intro

02:28 Piper & Bishop’s Journey

07:36 The Challenge Of Unlearning Ableism

10:25 The Neurodiverse And Intersectionality Experiences

13:42 We All See/Hear Through Unique Lenses That Should Connect Us

16:24 Synesthesia Book Research

17:20 Learning To Not Undermine Life Experiences

20:37 Sensory Maps, Opened Resources and Creative Minds

24:39 Intuitive Connections And Physiological Safety

27:15 Investing In Inclusion And True DEI Initiatives

30:49 Assistive Teaching And Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

34:32 Inclusive Neurodiversity Programs

38:40 AI’s Lack Of Neurodiverse Knowledge

42:14 Rejection & Societal Expectations in Corporate Culture

50:33 Piper’s Projects, Books And Contact Info

55:06 Media Usually Has A Negative Connotation

57:13 Respectful Healthcare = More Connection & Productivity

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